Today in the Car Care Inc. car care blog, we want to talk about your engine air filter. That's the filter that cleans the air before it's burned in your engine. Birmingham residents wonder how often t...
Today we want to talk about your engine air filter.That's the filter that cleans the air before it's burned in your engine. Many people in Birmingham wonder how often they should change their engine a...
Today we want to talk about your engine air filter. That’s the filter that cleans the air before it’s burned in your engine. People wonder how often they should change their en...
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When driving around Birmingham, your vehicle engine needs clean air to burn the fuel – and it needs a lot. In fact, a typical vehi...
Today's Car Care Inc. post focuses on the importance of protecting your mass air flow sensor or MAF. Air and fuel are mixed together to be burned in your engine. The amount is controlled by how hard y...
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Question:What's the harm in putting off replacing my engine air filter a little longer?
Car Care Inc. Answer:That's a fair question from Birmingham drivers because the harm takes...
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Your vehicle engine really needs clean air to operate efficiently. It takes about twelve thousand gallons of air to burn a gallon of gas in your vehicle engine. And clean air is m...